HOPE annual pre-departure briefings held in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing
Time: HOPE annual pre- Address:

HOPE students are about to start a new chapter in their life soon with their dreams to study abroad. Every student has received an offer from their dream schools with the help of HOPE counsellors. In order to better prepare the students for their forthcoming overseas study, particularly to the UK, three offices of HOPE International Education held pre-departure briefings in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing from the end of March to early April during which students and parents acquired some detailed and practical information applicable to their oversea studies.

HOPE counsellors provided very specific guidance and suggestions in terms of accommodation, transport, medical care in the UK, and more importantly overcoming culture shock and study skills in an English environment. Liz Zhou, a British Council certified Counsellor of HOPE Shanghai Office as well as an Exeter University graduate, shared her own experience and stories when she was in the UK. She particularly emphasized her tips of how to learn well in UK university. Students can use Chinese language as their tool to better understand English concepts. Regarding life, since it was the first time when students going abroad, Liz encouraged them to actively communicate with local students and teachers, which would be a good chance to practice their language skills. When students are facing difficulties, communication can be a useful tool to solve the problem. She gave out her example about how to study and how to communicate with local students and teachers. Parents and students paid full attention to the pre-departure briefing, asking questions in the middle and the end of the briefing. After the briefing, most of the parents think this ‘useful and practical’. ‘ I can be rested assure now.’ One of the parents gave feedback to HOPE counsellors, ‘Liz’s real life example is what our kid can be used as a reference.’ 

Our visa director, Mr. Xue Renlin, addressed the latest visa policies to students. Detailed explanations were provided on various aspects, including visa types, time planning, document lists and the latest language requirements. He also analyzed the latest trends in the PSW policy and its impact on international students and the UK job market. Also presented at the pre-departure briefings included local banks (HSBC) and priviate accommodation prvider (Hooli) who also provided professional advice on opening bank account and accommodation choices.

Hangzhou office also organized a session for young students and parents with the theme of ‘Studying Abroad at a Young Age’. Mei, head of HOPE UK office as well as an experienced guardian herself introduced the guardianship service HOPE provides and answered questions regarding parents’ concern for this special group of kids . Mei compared the Chinese and English education systems and the context of studying abroad. This has enabled parents to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of studying abroad at a young age.

Students gained a comprehensive understanding of the UK, and they are more confident in facing the upcoming UK study and life. HOPE has also provided a selected "pre departure preparation package". The package includes important notes, SIM cards and USB adapters. Such event has been organized by HOPE for over 20 years and has been welcomed by the parents and students.