科博公益摄影大赛 | HOPE Charity Photography Competition
原创 科博国际教育 科博留学 2月25日
Support Wuhan, Support Autistic Children!

有一群孩子,渴望着能和世界沟通,能被理解与爱护。然而因为缺少沟通的桥梁,他们常常被投以异样的眼光,被偏见所伤害。长久以来科博一直关注这一被称为“星星的孩子”的特殊群体 – 自闭症儿童。我们走进过上海和南京的自闭症儿童康复中心,我们了解他们师资的匮乏,教学文具紧缺,资金不足;也尝试着利用我们的国内外资源造福这些孩子,也支持自闭症康复中心的辛勤园丁。
How comes the idea?
There is a group of kids, eager to communicate with the world, to be understood and loved by others. In reality, they are often hurt by prejudice due to the lack of ability to communicate. HOPE has long been concerned about this particular group known as "Children of the Stars" -- autistic children. We've been supporting autism rehabilitation centres in Shanghai and Nanjing, and we know the shortage of qualified teachers, teaching supplies, and funding in those centres. We try to use ourresources at home and abroad to support these children and the hardworking teachers.

Why the competition?
Because of the outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan, we have decided that, this time, our support shall target the autistic children and their teachers there. Therefore, we want to take this opportunity to hold a charity photography competition to record the world's effort to support Wuhan and China's fighting against the epidemics. Half of the winners’ prize will be used to support the rehabilitation centre for autistic children in Wuhan.

2. 科博合作的中外院校代表
3. 关注科博的在校大、中学生(14岁以上在读初中生,高中生和大学生)
Who can participate?
1. HOPE students and their parents (no matter you are applying now, or currently?studying abroad, or have graduated )
2. Individual representatives of HOPE partner institutes (Both Chinese and?International)
3. Current school and university students in contact with HOPE (students age 14+?from junior middle school, senior middle school and universities in China)

Photo Requirements and copy right
The theme of the photo needs to be the record of people’s life during the anti-coronavirus campaign that shocked, touched or inspired you. The photo can be taken at any place but after 1 January 2020.
The participant shall have the sole and undisputable copy right of the photo without water ink and frame. By participating the competition, the author of the photo automatically authorize HOPE ‘s right to use the photo in its WeChat Account, website and other promotion material with author’s name referenced.
A gentle reminder: The photo can be taken either indoor or outdoor. Please adhere to your government’s regulation and conduct self-protection measures against coronavirus while taking the photo.

1. 比赛专用邮箱:loveuk@hope-studyabroad.com;
2. 你熟识的科博国际教育老师的微信或邮箱。
Registration and sending your photo
Each participant can send a maximum of 3 photo (JPG format) with:
a) name of the photo;
b) date and place of the photo taken;
c) a short introduction to the photo with no more than 50 words.
Please email your photo to?
1. loveuk@hope-studyabroad.com
2. or to your HOPE contact via email or WeChat.?

42 photos will be selected by HOPE from all received to qualify for the second round for public online voting. The winner of first, second and third prize will be based on votes received. Most Favored Photos by overseas institutions will be voted by HOPE overseas partner institutions; Most Favored Photos by organizing committee will be voted by the panel of organizing committee including professionals and committee’s administrators.
Date for Registration and Photo collection:
25 February–15 March
Date for First round selection by HOPE:
16 March–17 March
Date for Second round public Voting:
18 March–1 April
Winners announcement:
2 April 2020 (World Autism Awareness Day)

1. 一等奖1名:价值3000元的奖品+3000元的捐赠
2. 二等奖2名:每位价值 2000元的奖品+2000元捐赠
3. 三等奖3名:每位价值 1000元 的奖品+1000元捐赠
4. 海外院校最喜欢的作品奖3名:每位价值 500元 的奖品+500元捐赠
5. 专家及组委会评审奖3名:每位价值 500元 的奖品+500元捐赠
6. 入围优胜奖30名:每位价值 100 元红包+100元捐赠
Prize and donation
1. One First Prize: each prize worth 3,000 CNY + 3,000 CNY donation
2. Two Second Prize: each prize worth 2,000 CNY + 2,000 CNY donation
3. Three Third Prize: each prize worth 1,000 CNY + 1,000 CNY donation
4. Three Most Favored Photos by overseas institutions:?each prize worth 500 CNY + 500 CNY donation
5. Three Most Favored Photos by organizing committee:?Each prize worth 500 CNY + 500 CNY donation
6.? Thirty qualifying prize: each worth 100 CNY + 100 CNY donation
The total donation will be used to purchase books, stationeries, toys and equipment for extracurricular activities highly demanded by autism rehabilitation centres in Wuhan. The donation will be made jointly in the name of the HOPE and the Winners, and the winners (and donator) will receive a donation certificate. Donation information and process will be released and displayed on official WeChat account and website of HOPE.
Donations to
Children’s Autism Rehabilitation Centre in Wuhan, China

报名信息表 /Registration information form
学校/单位 institution/company
联系方式/Contact details
照片标题/Title of the photo
照片说明(50字内)/Brief introduction to the photo (50 words Max)
2011 获得“中国十大金牌专业留学机构”称号
原创 科博国际教育 科博留学 2月25日
Support Wuhan, Support Autistic Children!

有一群孩子,渴望着能和世界沟通,能被理解与爱护。然而因为缺少沟通的桥梁,他们常常被投以异样的眼光,被偏见所伤害。长久以来科博一直关注这一被称为“星星的孩子”的特殊群体 – 自闭症儿童。我们走进过上海和南京的自闭症儿童康复中心,我们了解他们师资的匮乏,教学文具紧缺,资金不足;也尝试着利用我们的国内外资源造福这些孩子,也支持自闭症康复中心的辛勤园丁。
How comes the idea?
There is a group of kids, eager to communicate with the world, to be understood and loved by others. In reality, they are often hurt by prejudice due to the lack of ability to communicate. HOPE has long been concerned about this particular group known as "Children of the Stars" -- autistic children. We've been supporting autism rehabilitation centres in Shanghai and Nanjing, and we know the shortage of qualified teachers, teaching supplies, and funding in those centres. We try to use ourresources at home and abroad to support these children and the hardworking teachers.

Why the competition?
Because of the outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan, we have decided that, this time, our support shall target the autistic children and their teachers there. Therefore, we want to take this opportunity to hold a charity photography competition to record the world's effort to support Wuhan and China's fighting against the epidemics. Half of the winners’ prize will be used to support the rehabilitation centre for autistic children in Wuhan.

1. 科博学子及家长(无论你正在办理留学,还是正在国外留学,或是已经学成归来)2. 科博合作的中外院校代表
3. 关注科博的在校大、中学生(14岁以上在读初中生,高中生和大学生)
Who can participate?
1. HOPE students and their parents (no matter you are applying now, or currently?studying abroad, or have graduated )
2. Individual representatives of HOPE partner institutes (Both Chinese and?International)
3. Current school and university students in contact with HOPE (students age 14+?from junior middle school, senior middle school and universities in China)

Photo Requirements and copy right
The theme of the photo needs to be the record of people’s life during the anti-coronavirus campaign that shocked, touched or inspired you. The photo can be taken at any place but after 1 January 2020.
The participant shall have the sole and undisputable copy right of the photo without water ink and frame. By participating the competition, the author of the photo automatically authorize HOPE ‘s right to use the photo in its WeChat Account, website and other promotion material with author’s name referenced.
A gentle reminder: The photo can be taken either indoor or outdoor. Please adhere to your government’s regulation and conduct self-protection measures against coronavirus while taking the photo.

1. 比赛专用邮箱:loveuk@hope-studyabroad.com;
2. 你熟识的科博国际教育老师的微信或邮箱。
Registration and sending your photo
Each participant can send a maximum of 3 photo (JPG format) with:
a) name of the photo;
b) date and place of the photo taken;
c) a short introduction to the photo with no more than 50 words.
Please email your photo to?
1. loveuk@hope-studyabroad.com
2. or to your HOPE contact via email or WeChat.?

42 photos will be selected by HOPE from all received to qualify for the second round for public online voting. The winner of first, second and third prize will be based on votes received. Most Favored Photos by overseas institutions will be voted by HOPE overseas partner institutions; Most Favored Photos by organizing committee will be voted by the panel of organizing committee including professionals and committee’s administrators.
Date for Registration and Photo collection:
25 February–15 March
Date for First round selection by HOPE:
16 March–17 March
Date for Second round public Voting:
18 March–1 April
Winners announcement:
2 April 2020 (World Autism Awareness Day)

1. 一等奖1名:价值3000元的奖品+3000元的捐赠
2. 二等奖2名:每位价值 2000元的奖品+2000元捐赠
3. 三等奖3名:每位价值 1000元 的奖品+1000元捐赠
4. 海外院校最喜欢的作品奖3名:每位价值 500元 的奖品+500元捐赠
5. 专家及组委会评审奖3名:每位价值 500元 的奖品+500元捐赠
6. 入围优胜奖30名:每位价值 100 元红包+100元捐赠
Prize and donation
1. One First Prize: each prize worth 3,000 CNY + 3,000 CNY donation
2. Two Second Prize: each prize worth 2,000 CNY + 2,000 CNY donation
3. Three Third Prize: each prize worth 1,000 CNY + 1,000 CNY donation
4. Three Most Favored Photos by overseas institutions:?each prize worth 500 CNY + 500 CNY donation
5. Three Most Favored Photos by organizing committee:?Each prize worth 500 CNY + 500 CNY donation
6.? Thirty qualifying prize: each worth 100 CNY + 100 CNY donation
The total donation will be used to purchase books, stationeries, toys and equipment for extracurricular activities highly demanded by autism rehabilitation centres in Wuhan. The donation will be made jointly in the name of the HOPE and the Winners, and the winners (and donator) will receive a donation certificate. Donation information and process will be released and displayed on official WeChat account and website of HOPE.
Donations to
Children’s Autism Rehabilitation Centre in Wuhan, China

报名信息表 /Registration information form
学校/单位 institution/company
联系方式/Contact details
照片标题/Title of the photo
照片说明(50字内)/Brief introduction to the photo (50 words Max)
2011 获得“中国十大金牌专业留学机构”称号