
2024-01-19 1430


对于大部分同学来说,23 Fall的申请已经收官结束。但对于还在学校“鱼塘”里的同学而言,前方似乎还有着漫长的等待。既然如此,不如试试主动出击。只是一封简单的催offer邮件,可能换来的就是惊喜。而这种主动寻找机会的精神,也希望大家能在学业、生活、工作里,都能够拥有。

进入Wait list意味着什么?

首先,我们需要弄明白:在学校系统里显示的状态是Wait list ,说明你并没有被录取,但也并不就意味着你被淘汰了。学校或者专业在审核学生材料时,选择了一些步骤来区分轮次,你可能被放到了下一轮的选择中。

Love letter是什么?

其实它还有一个更官方的名字叫做Letter of Continued Interest(LOCI),只是我们俗称为Love letter。

Love Letter并不是严格意义上的申请材料,所以即使学校表示,在Wait list阶段不要求或不接受学生提供附加材料的情况下,Love Letter依然是可以使用的。

那么,如何写好Love Letter,优雅地催offer?这是令很多学生头疼的问题,这里科博菌来支个招。

Love letter架构:

1. 介绍自己以及写这封信的目的

2. 再次强调对于学校的热爱

3. 明确自己的能力以及在近期的进步和成就,要具体结合 program 所需要的能力,并在自己的 letter 中体现

4. 强调自身能力能匹配学校要求并向对方表达感谢

Sample 1 端庄版

Subject: Inquiry Regarding Application Status

Dear【Admissions Office/Specific Contact Person】,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is 【Your Full Name】, and I am writing to inquire about the current status of my application for 【Program Name】 at 【University Name】. I submitted my application on 【Date】, and as of now, I have not received any information regarding the outcome.

I understand that the admissions process takes time, and I appreciate the effort the admissions team puts into reviewing applications. However, as【any important deadlines or considerations】, I am eager to receive an update on my application status.

Could you please provide me with an estimated timeline for when I can expect to receive a decision? Additionally, if there are any additional documents or information needed from my end, please let me know, and I will promptly provide them.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

【Your Full Name】

【Your Application ID, if available】

【Your Contact Information】

Sample 2 真诚版

Subject:Asking for my admission update

I am very honored to be recognized by【University Name】.I am very honored to continue to wait for the notice, because【University Name】is always my first choice.

First and foremost, I wanted to take the time in writing this e-mail to thank the admissions committee for the time that has been invested in assessing my candidacy for 【Program Name】.

I highly recognize the spirit of psychology major of【University Name】 in cultivating students' learning ability, forming learning habits and encouraging students to carry out innovation. I highly agree with the motto of 【University Name】, "Infinite wisdom, eternal stars", and the training goal of psychology.

Psychology at 【University Name】professional very top ranking in the world, I can attend here would be my pleasure. In addition, the school for the training of students' innovative spirit and psychology major share of the technical level of the frontier is my very favorite part.

I work hard, which is very much in line with the requirements of the school for students, and my biomedical research project has made further progress, and the results are currently among the best in the world.

I have taught both undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as lab sections as small as 10 students and lecture sections as large as 260.

Since completing my finals recently, I am grateful to note that the ardent efforts I have invested in proliferating my academic performance has since paid off, as I have been able to successfully achieve a recent grade point average of 3.83.

Best wishes,

【Your Full Name】

【Your Application ID, if available】

【Your Contact Information】












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